The Chokeables: The Ad That Saved The Lives Of 36 Children In The UK
Julia Horeftari for Art-Sheep
Greetings, my brave reader.
How many times have you wondered what on earth would you do if you found yourself in a...
Photographs Of The Horrible Effects Of Overdevelopment And Overpopulation
Terry Orwell for Art-Sheep
More than 7 billion people now inhabit planet Earth, and Earth is going through some pretty difficult times. Global Population Speak...
Couples Married For Over 50 Years In A Series Of Loving Photos
Anna Randal for Art-Sheep
Inspired by her own parents' love and marital life, New York-based photographer Tracey Buyce started a project last year, photographing couples...
A 10-Piece Brain Specimen Coaster Set Ideal For Parties
Bruce Louis for Art-Sheep
Nerds of the world unite! This is for us. Now, unless you have a Futurama brain in a jar, the best...
Professional Dancer Refuses To Remove Her Birthmark And Opts For Embracing It Instead
Terry Orwell for Art-Sheep
22-year-old Cassandra Naud is a very unique professional dancer based in Alberta, Canada. She was born with a birthmark of considerable...
An Alarm Clock That Wakes You Up with a Fresh Cup of Coffee
The Barisieur is an alarm clock that brews a fresh cup of coffee to wake you up in the morning. Designed by Joshua Renouf,...
Why Does Time Change Twice A Year?
Julia Horeftari for Art-Sheep
Greetings, my brave reader.
The day when the fans of sleep will be deprived of one whole hour of their snoozing in...
Tattoos Will Look Amazing When You’re Old
Bruce Louis for Art-Sheep
Got ink? Then you got some art in your skin. Because that's what getting a tattoo really is -getting art set...
Colorblind People See Color For The First Time And These Are Their Reactions
Terry Orwell for Art-Sheep
Around the world, 300 million people, give or take, are colorblind. Now, a company that makes paints, Valspar Paint, joins forces...
Photographs Of Nude Hikers –by Roshan Adhihetty (NSFW)
Albert Sagan for Art-Sheep
all images courtesy of Roshan Adhihetty
Switzerland-based photographer Roshan Adhihetty took photographs of nude hikers in an attempt to examine whether being...
School Under A Bridge In New Delhi For Underpriviledged Children
Julia Horeftari for Art-Sheep
all images courtesy of Altaf Qadri
Greetings, my brave reader.
Back in 2012, Rajesh Kumar Sharma founded a school for the poor children...
“corpoReality”: Sophie Klafter Captures The Lives Of People With Physical Differences (NSFW)
Craig Davies for Art-Sheep
Images © Sophie Klafter
Sophie Klafter is a New York-based artist whose photographic work of people with physical differences is inspired from her own experience...