Art-Sheep Feautures: Tunga

CONTACT INFORMATION Daniel Templon Gallery Gallery Daniel Templon Gallery [email protected] 30, Rue Beaubourg 75003, Paris, France +...

Art-Sheep Features: Zhang Xiaogang

CONTACT INFORMATION Zhang XiaogangThe Saatchi Gallery Loft Gallery The Saatchi Gallery [email protected] Duke Of York's HQ, King's Road, London,SW3 4RY, UKLoft Gallery [email protected] 3 Bis Rue des Beaux-Arts, 75006, Paris, France + 33 1 46...

Art-Sheep Features: Justine Khamara

CONTACT INFORMATION Justine KhamaraArc One Gallery Arc One Gallery [email protected] 45 Flinders Lane, Melbourne VIC...

Art-Sheep Features: Zeng Fanzhi

CONTACT INFORMATION Acquavella Gallery Acquavella Gallery [email protected] 18 East 79th Street New...

Art-Sheep Features: Pablo Accinelli

CONTACT INFORMATION Pablo Accinelli gallery Gallery Ignacio Liprandi Avenida de Mayo 1480 - 3ro izquierda Buenos Aires - Argentina - CP 1085Contact : [email protected]

Art-Sheep Features: Beatriz Milhazes

CONTACT INFORMATION Fortes Vilaça Gallery Gallery Fortes Vilaça Gallery [email protected] Rua Fradique Coutinho 1500 05416-001 São Paulo Brasil +55 11 3032 7066

Art-Sheep Features: Sophie Calle

CONTACT INFORMATION Galerie Perrotin Gallery Paris Galerie Perrotin [email protected] 76, rue de Turennes 10, impasse Saint-Claude 75003 Paris, France t. +33 1 42 16 79 79 f. +33 1 42 16 79 74

Art-Sheep Features: Waltercio Caldas

CONTACT INFORMATION Waltercio CaldasChristopher Grimes Gallery Gallery Christopher Grimes Gallery [email protected] 916 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90401, U.S.A + 1 310 587 3373 Personal Contact @mail

Art-Sheep Features: Huang Yong Ping

CONTACT INFORMATION Gladstone Gallery Gladstone Gallery [email protected] York 515 West 24th Street New York, NY 10011 USA t. 212-206-9300 f. 212-206-9301 530 West 21st Street New York, NY 10011 USA t. 212-206-7606 f. 212-206-7605 Brussels 12 rue...

Art-Sheep Features: Subodh Gupta


Art-Sheep Feautures: Ivan Navarro

CONTACT INFORMATION Ivan Navarro GalleryGallery Daniel Templon 30 rue Beaubourg 75003 Paris [email protected]

Art-Sheep Features: Yan Pei-Ming

CONTACT INFORMATION David Zwirner Gallery David Zwirner Gallery David Zwirner, President Erin Hennessy, Assistant to David Zwirner [email protected] 525 & 533 West 19th Street New York, NY 10011 t. 212 727 2070 f....