Maison Sémonville’s Eclectic Refurbishment Made it the Most Elegant Hôtel Particulier You’ll See For...

When one is strolling around rue Quincampoix, an ancient, narrow street in the heart of France’s capital, he is assuredly going to stumble upon,...

Surreal Digital Artwork By David Stenbeck

David Stenbeck's pictures pose questions as much as they impress   Digital artist,poet and editor David Stenbeck, aka DOVNEON, makes beautiful 3D works with his distinct...

Take a Tour Inside “Under”. An Underwater Restaurant with Abundant Scandinavian Finesse

“Under” is not your typical Instagram-friendly, underwater restaurant. For starters, it is the first ever underwater restaurant in Europe. It is located in Lindesnes,...

Fall in Love with These Detailed Minatures Models of Rough Urban Architecture

It is difficult to recognize a cheap, rough, blocky building, which has fallen to disrepair, as aesthetically beautiful or even pleasing in any sense....

Rare Photos Of Frida Kahlo From The Age Of 2 To 18 Taken By...

The more we know about Frida Kahlo the more we fall in love with her as an artist and as a human being Isn't it...

Art-Sheep Features: Doris Salcedo

CONTACT INFORMATION Doris Salcedo on Artnet

“I See Neon Lights, Whenever You Walk By” –The Prophecy

A very interesting collaboration which started in 2012 in West Yorkshire, England between the artists Victoria Lucas and Richard William Wheater, was the reason...

29 Fascinating Trivia As Shared at the Popular “Factopedia” Instagram Account

Many people consider social media to be a negative thing, claiming that it has an impact on a person's mental health. But, if used carefully...

17 Nightmarish Comics with Unpredictable Endings

Turn the lights on before reading…   Almost everyone likes a good comic. And the subjects available are abundant. From satire to feel-good humor and social...

Man Creates Lovely and Naughty Monsters out of Coffee Stains

A coffeemonster and the coffeemonsters It all started in 2011. In a cold winter’s day.  A German man, named Stefan Kuhnigk spilled some coffee at...

Kirie: Creating Art by Cutting Intricate Designs on A Single Piece of Paper

Check Out This Incredible Japanese Art Form   “Kirie” translates to “cut picture” from Japanese. It is the art, of paper cutting. The artist uses, but...

Art Sheep Features: Andrew Lindsay

Inspired by Color and Texture Andrew Lindsay is inspired by the work of many other abstract artists, some of which include Morris Louis, Lee Ufan,...