David Stenbeck’s pictures pose questions as much as they impress
Digital artist,poet and editor David Stenbeck, aka DOVNEON, makes beautiful 3D works with his distinct ‘neon’ style signature. Fascinated by colours and bodies intertwining, this Swedish photographer defines himself as a “spiritual misleader”.
With a burst of creativity, David lets us enter a world made of matter, consumerism, and plastic, but at the same time made of magic and suggestion. He has been posting original artworks on his Instagram page since 2014 but only started to post these stunning cloud works in March of 2019.
Most of the images consist of one cloud alone floating above the sea with a pink sunset in the back. Along with a strange pink line of light that sometimes goes around or through these clouds. These artworks are minimal in design and content but the mood they create is what gives them so much attention and praise.
David Stenbeck info : Instagram