This film is dedicated to Ben Hecht and Howard Hawks, the writer and director of the original Scarface (1932). Oliver Stone wrote this film while...

“Star Wars” Shoes Created for True Believers of The Force

C-3PO Are you tired of Star Wars-themed stuff yet? Are the many series of Star Wars-themed creations becoming something like all those Disney characters illustrations? Actually,...

Hilarious Vintage Posters Illustrate The Etiquette Of Movie-Going In 1912

These are some of the friendly reminders you would receive if attending your local movie theater in the year 1912. It's a bit different...

Martin Scorsese portrays Vincent van Gogh in a short surreal film by Akira Kurosawa

Dreams (夢 Yume?, aka Akira Kurosawa's Dreams) is a 1990 magical realism film based on actual dreams that the film's director, Akira...

Happy Birthday James Dean – 19 Facts You Might Not Know about James Dean

On Saturday, 8th February 2020, Hollywood celebrates what would have been the 88th birthday of James Dean. Everyone’s favourite “Rebel without a cause”. However, there...

Johnny Depp Making Weird Faces

Artist Creates Bizarre but Delightful Watercolor Posters of Famous Movies

Melissa Faithful for Art-Sheep We've seen illustrators create minimal posters of movies, while fans constantly make all kinds of fan-made film art, but movie posters...

10 Lessons On Filmmaking From Director Alejandro Jodorowsky

1. Filmmaking can be therapeutic. I work with my family because it is a therapy. I invented a therapy called psychomagic and I apply that...


  6/6 marks the 20th Anniversary of the classic film Forrest Gump. Back in 1994 we were introduced to the lovable Forrest and brought us...

20 of Robin Williams’ Most Beautiful Quotes

Robin McLaurin Williams July 21, 1951 – August 11, 2014 Place of birth: Chicago, Illinois, U.S. Best thing about him: An acclaimed American actor and comedian Most important...

The Golden Raspberry Award Foundation Announced Nominations for 2015

For the 35th year in a row, The Golden Raspberry Award Foundation has announced the nominations for the Razzie Awards right before the Oscar...