It’s crazy what photoshop and some skillful editors can do!
Those photographs went viral because they look unbelievably real. They are so succesfully edited that is impossible to find a proof that are not real. Some of them i wish the were real to be honest. I mean how cool it would look if lions could be totaly black or have an entire castle on top of a gigantic rock.
On the other hand for some photos i’m glad they are not real because nobody wants to be chased by angry animals especially bears, they look so terrifying. Enough said have a look at the most viral photos the world thought they were real.
#1 Behind The Scenes Photo Of MGM Intro
Image source: Hai-Kef zoo
#2 Astronaut Smoking Marijuana In Space
Image source: Space
#3 The Mustache Wasn’t Enough, They Had To Add Those Angry Eyebrows
Image source: spanky8520
#4 A Guy Creating An Amazing Fried Rice Wave
Image source: GeneReddit123
#5 A Kid Sleeping Near His Deceased Parents’ Graves In Syria
#6 Not-So-Planned College Name Sign
#7 Woman Squatting Like A Frog
#8 Frozen Venice
#9 Magical Castle
#10 Dangerous Pilot Selfie
#11 Perfect Lenticular Clouds
#12 Unique Black Lion
Image source: pavoldvorsky
#13 #10yearschallenge Against Deforestation
#14 Moon Perfectly Fitting On A Skyscraper
Image source: AstronomyHD
#15 Bear Chasing A Cycler
Image source: Adonis Arias
#16 Picture Of A Dwarf Giraffe
#17 A Photo Of Marilyn Monroe And Elizabeth Taylor
#18 Giant Skeleton Found
#19 Bear Chasing National Geographic Photographers
Image source: EunByuL
#20 First Dab In The History
#21 Viral Photo Of A Pooping Cheerleader
#22 An Island That Looks Like A Star
#23 Paris Hilton’s Offensive T-Shirt
#24 Turtle Mountain
#25 Cow Chilling On A Car
#26 Photo Of India
Image source: earthsky
#27 Romney Family Misspelling Their Last Name
Image source: Ap
As hilarious as this misspelling of the Romney last name may look, the photo is actually edited.
#28 Photo Of The Space Shuttle
#29 Einstein Riding A Bicycle As A-Bomb Explodes
Image source: snopes.
#30 A Photo Of A Tourist Taken Moments Before 9/11