Holly Williams for Art-Sheep
The question of “What do you want to be when you grow up?” is a very common one amongst young kids and teenagers, one that we have all, undoubtedly, been made to answer or make at some point in our lives. However, the two founders of GetOud (Get Old) foundation in the Netherlands, Marion Duimel and Ingrid Meijering, have reversed this question, aiming it instead at people aged 74 years and up, to find out what these elders wished to become when they were young.
In this touching and beautiful project the two creators visited the seniors with all the necessary objects and a mobile photography studio, in order to capture them in their dream occupations. The resulting series of portraits, both fun and a little nostalgic, was published in a photo-book, along with every individual’s personal story and a description of their actual career.
via boredpanda