
Mikhail Vyrtsev is a watercolor artist from Moscow, Russia. Through his works, Vyrtsev comments on social, political and aesthetic aspects of our lives.

In his watercolor illustrations, one can see how the artists satirizes, discusses and portrays everything we are surrounded by. From war conflicts to our obsession with consumerism, his distinctive technique and popular themes speak to the viewer, drawing him into his unfortunately common world.


more_drama zippo_soul mimimimimi attack_of_the_banana chess_console unborn no-fun circus-star paintball nice_bag back-in-black got_bottle xyi hard_to_dress_up dance fear-of-self-repeat holywar welcome subway_is_cruel time_has_stopped

hardness-of-choice technologies null-g something-wrong-with-the-universe dont-get-high born-to-die mamka-zarugaet sweet-home case-closed plug-and-play finger-focus red-thin-line restful-soul good-night-childrens secret-party HALF they-wont-fly save-the-environment prosperity yellow_tank duck-tale no-rewind drunken-rodeo for-whom-oil-spills kneel-down gold toy-story disneypunk nuclear_theme cannibals the-widest check_and_mate intruders it_hurts ornitology-failed idiots-guide helicopters_of_alcohol someone_broke_the_swing cybernark four_monkeys real-coke illusionists-illusions love too_much more-drama-ii just_married allergy gone-again its-a-plague emergency_landing beign-mechanism games-over    hippology-succeedsure-movement