
Samuel Masters for Art-Sheep

Do you like creating quirky photographic mash-ups of crazy, unrelated scenes and products? In this time and age many would readily reply, that Photoshop is the way to go; however, Stephen McMennamy is not one of them. This creative director does indeed like to combine photos, creating playful, paradoxical scenes, but instead of using an editing program, chooses to perfectly align different snapshots, carefully planning and calculating so that the two images actually look like one.

#ComboPhotos is a whimsical, colorful series, where donuts are also headphones, Everlast box gloves are also tomatoes, paper umbrellas take the place of beach umbrellas for normal-sized people and giant Froot Loops are seen falling from the sky to be loaded into a truck. In other words, plain awesomeness.

via mymodernmet

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