
by Agape Charmani

Lina Scheynius is a Swedish, London-based self-taught photographer. She started her career when a photography agent found her work on her tumblr blog, and booked her a portrait of Charlotte Rampling for Dazed and Confused.

Her photographic archive is full of images of friends and family, herself, lovers and models. Her passion for photography began in an early age, as she was always familiar with cameras and the concept of taking a picture. “I picked up a lot from growing up in an environment where I had access to cameras and photographic books. My dad took loads of pictures of us, and watching the family slides with the projector was always amazingly fun for me,” she explains on her website.

Focusing on human bodies and their unique parts, Scheynius experiments with how light and shadows interact with them. In her stunning photos, the photographer manages to perfectly show her imagination and her exceptional skills.

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