What is your opinion on this?
Some people find the entries below, offensive. Stating that these celebs flaunt their wealth on social media. Others find nothing wrong with their postings. Their opinion on the matter is: they worked hard, pursued their dreams and now their belongings are the outcome.
It is not just celebrities of course, who are either quarantined or self-isolated. Entire countries recommend that their citizens stay in their homes. Some countries have issued laws that allow people to go out only to super-markets, doctors, hospitals, etc.
So with everyone having too much time on their hands, it is no wonder that A) Celebs are posting on social media, and B) People argue about those posts.
The subject though remains interesting. And we would like to ask you to take a look at the entries bellow and share with us, your opinion.
Kourtney Kardashian horse riding in her field:
Image credits: kourtneykardash
Kylie Jenner telling us all that if she could do it then we all can do it:
Sam Smith posting pics of their meltdown in their $12 M home:
Image credits: samsmith
Arnold Schwarzenegger lounging in his private hot tub:
Image credits: Schwarzenegger
Joe Jonas cracking open his humongous fridge:
Image credits: joejonas
Lauren Conrad setting up a pillow fort bigger than most apartments:
Image credits: laurenconrad
Cardi B showing her quarantine activities that includes a human-sized Jenga:
Ellen DeGeneres staying in good spirits in her private gym bigger than my apartment:
Jimmy Fallon making the most of the bad situation with his indoor slide:
Image credits: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Soccer player Cesc Fàbregas in his balcony gym overlooking all of us:
Image credits: cesc4official
Perrie Edwards and her BF staying active while running up and down the stairs in their kitchen:
Image credits: perrieedwards
Courteney Cox Tik Tok-ing next to her giant windows and the world’s largest rug:
Justin and Hailey Bieber dancing in their huge living room:
Image credits: justinbieber
Martha Stewart staying in with every single copper pot and pan in the world:
Image credits: marthastewart48
Also take a look at what some people had to say
Some even created memes angered by the situation: