Art-Sheep Features: Albano Afonso FacebookTwitterEmailPinterest CONTACT INFORMATION Albano Afonso RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR art sheep-ing Art-Sheep Features: Erwin Wurm art sheep-ing Art-Sheep Features: Bharti Kher art sheep-ing Sandro Miller Recreates Iconic Photographs With John Malkovich; And It’s Fantastic art sheep-ing Li Hongbo’s Elastic Paper Sculptures Artworks Snakes Take Over The Most Famous Paintings in The History of Art art sheep-ing Artists Create Murals in a Children’s Hospital Spreading Happiness -Going the Extra Mile Animals The Silence Of Dogs In Cars By Martin Usborne Architecture & Design Sculptor Matthew Simmonds Carves Realistic Interiors Into Marble and Stone art sheep-ing Art-Sheep Features: Y.Z. Kami POPULAR Art-Sheep Features: Ernesto Neto Master-art-sheep - 11/08/2014 Powerful Portraits Of Rescued Dogs That Survived Abuse Agape Charmani - 11/08/2014 Brilliant mashups of album covers with classical paintings by Eisen Bernardo Agape Charmani - 17/08/2014 21 Perfectly Timed Pictures That Will Play Tricks On Your Mind Sheep - 11/08/2014 5 Art History Characters Who’ve Had Enough With Everybody’s Sh*t Agape Charmani - 21/08/2014 Tiny Baby Snakes Wearing Quirky Accessories Will Make You Fall In Love With Snakes Erica Stein - 24/08/2014