Have you ever been so frustrated, you wanted to…make a sandwich out of your keyboard?
We all tend to get frustrated with electronic devices, from time to time. That is safe to assume for everyone, right? I mean, you can even picture a monk somewhere at the Himalayans right now, getting red in the face with anger, over a malfunction of a 21st century device (assuming they have electronic devices in Buddhist temples?).
Now, when it comes to everyday electronic devices, there is quite possibly nothing more frustrating, than an unexpected keyboard failure, especially when it occurs, at a time of importance. So what do you do, to your keyboard, out of spite? Shout at it? Rough it up? Smash it to pieces? Make a…sandwich out of it?
Well, yeah! If I could! I would! As it so happens, Youtuber Omozoc, could. And actually did it! We are talking of course, about his humorous short titled “Keyboard crasher’s lunch”. A 2,436 photo, no CGI, stop motion animation about a frustrated typist asking for financial help. The content is as relatable, as is well executed. Enoy!