
Samuel Masters for Art-Sheep

Choi Xooang is a South Korean artist that has for 12 years now been creating overwhelmingly figurative sculptures of human bodies and body parts. His work can be described as hyperrealistic in terms of technique, but surrealistic in the themes and social phenomena it expresses, and as the artist himself claims, aims at raising questions in the audience, about human beings and their role in modern society. Xooang’s creations are more often than not, difficult to stomach for many, taking the form of explicitly accurate naked bodies, usually depicted in uncomfortable situations and positions, as well as uncanny blurred figures that though seemingly human appear mutilated, deformed and unearthly.

The Korean artist characteristically comments about his artwork,“I am interested in social minorities. We can’t classify all individuals within the category of a majority or a minority. I want to focus on individuals and their relationships to society.  Physical distortions or exaggerations are rendered with the most delicate, realistic way, expressing psychological anxiety and fragility. I hope the reality of this emotional status can be manifested in these imperfect or deformed bodies. In naked bodies, I tried to express the anxiety of the human being. Removed of (unnecessary) embellishment- clothes, style, and trends- these figures stand as individuals.”

via yatzer

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