Agape Charmani for Art-Sheep

Ruby is a 21-year-old sketch artist whose work is a raw expression of her everyday routine and her many feelings. She uploads little  cartoons, comic strips, visual diaries and illustrations on her blog, showing her artistic variety and many interests.

Little small happenings and fictional possibilities are illustrated on Ruby’s paper. The imaginative artist sketches small dialogues, cute thoughts, word plays and feelings, in a series of adorable and humorous comic strips. One of the main protagonists of her work is a nervous young girl, that is angry at the world and thinks a lot.

Sketching is a daily obsession for Ruby who describes her process as a constant and random doodling. “Also just observe people and look for shapes and patterns in their features, then you can kind of exaggerate and play around with them in a drawing. Turns out putting mouths just under the eyes is never not hilarious,” the artist explains.

Ruby’s work is a tumblr phenomenon with many of her sketches having gone viral. Check her blog and let rubyetc make your day!


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