Actually Delivers!

Chihuahuas are not known for being trainable. You wouldn’t trust a Chihuahua with your $20, right? No one would trust a Chihuahua with his/her money. Or their shopping. But desperate times call for desperate measures, to be sure. And if a quarantined man wants cheetos, well he will do whatever he can to attain them. Like write a silly note, stick it under the collar of his Chihuahua and send it the nearest store. God bless him, God bless both of them, they made it! They actually made it! A Chihuahua bought some cheetos and brought them back to its owner. And not the red kind, the orange kind, mind you.

The note reads:
“Hello Mr. Shopkeeper. Please sell my dog some Cheetos, the orange kind, not the red ones, they’re too hot. She has $20 attached to her collar. WARNING: She will bite if not treated right. Your front neighbor.”

The man declared:
“Day three of quarantine. I really wanted my ‘Cheetos’,”

He even took some photos (we are ever thankful for that) of the mission. We can see how confused the Chihuahua was at the start and how triumphant it looks, returning with a bag of cheetos betweens his jaws – the orange kind, mind you.

What do you have to say about it? 20 bucks is kind of steep for a bag of cheetos though, right? I mean, do you see change on the Chihuahua? Did the store owner kept them? Is the Chihuahua saving for something?


Image credits: ckarlozm

Image credits: ckarlozm

credits: ckarlozm

Image credits: ckarlozm

credits: ckarlozm