
Samuel Masters for Art-Sheep

No one can argue that the art of makeup can be truly impressive, not to mention powerful and a little scary at times, as it manages, with only the aid of paint, some simple tools and knowledge of shadow and light manipulation, to completely transform a person into someone or something completely different. From one time to another, we have witnessed some stunning examples of these transformations from both professionals and amateurs alike, but in the case of Laura Jenkinson we stray from the stereotypical notion of face painting to something that defined as lip-art.

This London- based artist uses only the lips and lower area of the face as her canvas for her cartoon creations, focusing on the mouth to serve as her heroes’ mouth. Using theatrical makeup and lipstick she designs popular characters such as Donald Duck, SpongeBob, a minion or Grumpy Cat in her adorable and impressive series. “I’d seen loads of other fantastic make-up artists on Instagram and I wanted to do something similar and on a bigger scale so I started doing about one a week,” Jenkinson has stated. “I find a picture and then just hold it up to the mirror as a guide and draw straight onto my face – it’s easier than you think!”

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