Craig Davies for Art-Sheep
With the help of Winamp and other media players, it is possible for us to “see” music on our computer screens, as their visualization software transforms tracks into pulsing animations. Now a company called Reify, lead by founder and CEO Allison Wood, aims to transform the animated transformed sounds into 3D-printed sculptures.
From the ear, to the eye and now the hand, these sound wave interpretations will be turned into 3D objects made out of plastic, bronze and even coconut husk. The team is creating software that would soon allow us to decorate our living room with our favorite pop song or audio poem.
And their imaginative plan doesn’t stop there. Reify people are also creating software that would allow a smartphone user to scan the 3D piece with their phone and interpret it back into audio.
The Reify project is initiated by NEW INC, the first non-profit museum led incubator by the New Museum.
via thisiscolossal