
Samuel Masters for Art-Sheep

Made of cast concrete under laminated clear float glass, Sydney-based artist Ben Young’s creations are really a sight to behold. These amazing sculptures take the form of ocean waves in various landscapes: surrounding a tiny island, breaking on a lonely lighthouse or steep shores, mainly inspired by the artist’s native New Zealand and most specifically Waihi Beach, where he was born. The translucent, aquamarine glass perfectly replicates the water in contrast with the density and dull color of the concrete ocean floor and shores, resulting in simple, minimal, yet impressive sculptures.

Doing everything himself, from the designing to the cutting and crafting, the self- taught artist uses only the best materials for his work and as he says on his website, “I love watching the two dimensional shapes evolve into three-dimensional creations and the different way the light plays inside the glass. I love the liquid qualities the glass brings with it. It enables me to play with lighting and watch the glass react.”

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