Napoléon Bonaparte (France)
Craig Davies for Art-Sheep
After his famous series Holy Selfie and Global Police, Gunduz Agayev is back with a new series of brilliant illustrations.
In his series Just Leaders, he took the world’s biggest leaders, from Libya’s Muammar Haddafi to Russia’s Vladimir Putin, and turned them into skeleton. Agayev infamous models are depicted while decomposing, wearing their formal attires and with a serious look on their faces -as skeletons look nothing but serious.
Muammar Gaddafi (Libya)
Mobutu Sese Seko – (Kongo)
Benito Mussolini (İtaly)
Augusto Pinochet – (Chile)
Ilham Aliyev (Azerbaijan)
Amin Dada (Uganda)
Adolf Hitler
Kim Jong-Un (North Korea)
Fidel Castro (Cuba)
Vladimr Putin (President of Putinstan)
Joseph Stalin (Soviet Union)
Saddam Hussein (Iraq)