“Whether you have spent countless hours and large sums of money on your tattoos or you have a few especially meaningful pieces, the labor and stories behind your tattoos can now carry on for future generations to experience”; these are the first words on National Association for the Preservation of Skin Art‘s site and we are already creeped out!
As you correctly understood, NAPSA is a new service, launched on Sept. 18, that promises to preserve the tattoos of your loved ones beyond death with a simple request: all you have to do is join NAPSA for an initiation fee of 115$, plus an additional yearly due of 60$ (which covers the preservation of one tattoo), although some members may prefer paying a one-time fee at the time of death. When the tattoo lover passes away, their skin is removed by the funeral home and then preserved by NAPSA, before being sent back to their loved ones. Do you think it’s disturbing? May be but tattoos are admittedly a form of art, just on a skin-camvas, a really special personal journal of anyone passionate enough to mark their skin. So why not preserve them? And really, what does it make it weirder than an urn of somebody’s ashes above the fireplace?