The National Museum of American History is a museum located on the National Mall in Washington, DC. It is part of the Smithsonian Institution and collects, preserves and displays the heritage of the US. Covering everything from social, cultural, political, military and scientific history.

They try to document the complex history of the USoA as it unfolds. They did so at the events of 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, and the most important events in the country.

Now, it seems, the Smithsonians are considering collecting drawings, created by migrant children who were formally detained.

It all started when the American Academy of Pediatrics found drawings of detained migrant children at one of their tours. The drawings were made by children, aged 10 or 11. They depicted mostly themselves, being separated from their families. Depressing stick figures behind bars. Distressing images of people sleeping on floors.

The Smithsonian Institution got involved in the situation, shortly after.

“…to inspire people to know more about American history and to hopefully create a more humane society.” Ben Glass, the director emeritus of the National Museum of American History explained about the exploratory process of acquiring the drawings. Ben Glass continues saying that while the collection of these drawings may seem like a political act, many of the Institution’s acquisitions have “some political value or some political implication or consequence,” and curatorial decisions “will be made based on what kind of documentary record they’re trying to create rather than making a political statement.”