
Craig Davies for Art-Sheep

“Klecksography” is a series by photographer Olivier Valsecchi, exploring the way the body can move and connect to other bodies, and the many various forms this union can create.

As if they were sculptures, Valsecchi’s bodies look like symmetrical shapes made out of clay, due to the way their explosive movements and the softness of their skin have been captured. The result is simply praising to the exceptional photographic skills of Valsecchi, whose black-and-white shots consist a perfect documentation of his subjects.

The photographer was inspired from the works of Swiss psychiatrist Rorschach, whose method includes ink-stained shapes that form mirrored images, which he used to diagnose mental illness. Here Valsecchi uses his method to explore his subconsciousness and build symmetry through his subjects, who pose next to and intertwined in each other.

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