by Maria Sofou
Really talented individuals from DesignCrowd’s global community have photoshopped Donald Trump into scenes of classical horror movies – and the photos are fantastic! The US presidential candidate can now be found in scary films such as Scream, An American Werewolf in London, Silence of the Lambs, and Alien. LOL.
Here’s DesignCrowd’s photos along with their commentary. See at your own risk:
Donald makes a haunting appearance at the window in a scene from Scream, with Drew Barrymore.
Here’s Donald – taking Jack Nicholson’s place in the iconic scene from The Shining.
The horrifying prospect of Donald Trump transforming into a shouting hairy beast.
There are plenty of critics who would want to muzzle Mr Trump – Hannibal Lecter style
That moment you realize what you thought was indigestion, is actually Donald Trump bursting out, Alien style.
He’s certainly known for making biting comments, so this Jaws mock-up works on many levels.
Trump is not afraid to take a swing at his opponents, although he hasn’t actually been known to use a sledgehammer.
A clever change makes this image of the twins from The Shining even more terrifying.
You probably don’t want either Donald Trump or Freddy Krueger popping up in your dreams, let alone a combination.