by Agape Charmani

Remember how the Barbie doll got the makeover we’ve all been hoping for? Well, not only did she change her size, shape and color, but sparked a lot of conversation amongst both her fans and haters.

Apart from that, it also inspired many artists, bloggers and social media users to create their own versions of “diverse Barbies.” A 24-year-old blogger and medical scientist from Nigeria took things a little further by creating a hijab-wearing Barbie. Haneefah Adam creation, ‘Hijarbie’ as she calls it, is a doll that looks like a lot of girls. “It got me thinking about how I’d like to see a doll dressed up like me – covered up,” she explains. “I went to the mall, purchased a doll, dressed it up, documented it and here we are.”

Adam says that the representation of Muslim women in mainstream Western culture got her confused regarding her very own cultural heritage. The blogger says that many parents have loved her idea and made the doll a huge success and hopes that in the future it would also be a profitable business for doll manufacturers.

via dazed

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