
by Agape Charmani

Horyon Lee is a Korean artist. His work focuses on the female body and its movement. Lee sees a woman’s figure as it moves around and actually paints its faded overlaps. Keeping his characters anonymous, the artist explores the most private parts of their bodies. Playing with the concept of voyeurism, Lee turns his viewer into a voyeur with fetishistic instincts, and his subjects into the viewer’s objects of desire. The dynamic created between the painter’s explicit content and the overlaps, give life to his work and his women, highlighting their sensuality and their female sexuality.

“First of all, while I gaze through a view finder at a part of a model’s body, or one with a hidden face, the model takes a positive pose towards the camera. Therefore, I intend to show an intertwined point of an agent, object and situation that is both looking at and being shown,” he explains about the process of his work. (Source)

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