You don’t have to be a medieval queen or lord, to wear a majestic animal scarf. Not anymore, at least. Because celapiu a sister-duo, Celina and Maja Debowska, have come up with this idea. The Polish sisters, create realistic animal scarves and stoles, using felt. Feel mischievous, wearing a red fox. Or exotic, wearing a bird of paradise. In their Etsy shop, you can find even more. From jeweled swans, to ugly ducklings, rabbits, tigers, Japanese cranes – you name it.
Let us also hear it, from the sisters themselves.
“We are celapiu – an independent fashion accessories label, ran by two sisters – Celina and Maja. We specialize in cold-weather accessories – i.e. hats, scarves, various shoulder coverings, gloves and more, which we design and manufacture in our studio in Kraków, Poland. All of our items are handmade and made with great attention to detail. Conscious choice of raw materials – nearly all of which are produced locally, as well as working with local craftsmen is also an important part of our business philosophy.”