
Holly Williams for Art-Sheep

You might have gathered by now that here in Art-Sheep we love street art, especially when it is the kind of street art that interacts in a clever way with its background, creating pieces of art that seem to spring out of their surroundings. This is exactly the case of Spanish-based painter Sandro Thomàs, known as Sath, and his humorous street interventions.

The Bangkok-based artist, with only spray paint and sometimes acrylic paint designs colorful, satirical artworks in abandoned buildings, walls and fences, titled usually with some kind of pun, to express the piece’s both literal and symbolic meaning. The artist, characteristically, comments, “I have been painting on the streets for over a decade now, always trying to capture reality while twisting it my own way, usually sharing the satirical yet humorous results openly with bystanders; actions of everyday life, through slightly surreal figurative elements.”

via boredpanda

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