Here are 39 of Our Favorite Submissions
What is better from a home with a view? Be it the sea, nature etc, a nice building opposite your street, a park, etc. Quite possibly, now it’s the time, when a home with a view would come handier than ever. As we have more time on our hands with quarantine, we find ourselves looking outside our windows more than before. Taking that into account, we are presenting to you both an insanely popular online group called “View From My Window” and also 39 of our favorite submissions there. Some of these are truly magnificent.
What was your favorite? What is the view from your window like?
In 2008 I attempted suicide.
I was hospitalized and I lost everything. When I got out I lost my job, my car, my home, everything. I was 24 with no education outside of a high school diploma, and I knew only how to sell things to people, which I hated.
I dreamt of traveling the world and seeing new places but I’d done nothing close to that. I lost focus of everything. I thought money was the key to happiness and I chased that. Feeling devoid of everything, I really thought that there was no reason to continue. I had my shot at life and I blew it. My family convinced me to go back to university, despite my appeals that I was too old.
I became a teacher, I volunteered as a coach for the Special Olympics, and I worked with at risk youth. I found that what made me happy was making kids who I could empathize with happy. Making them feel that they were cared for, that a stranger could invest in them, and believe in them. I haven’t looked back since.
This situation has brought back old emotions, it’s taken away from me so much of what I feel I need to be happy and I feel disconnected from the very humans I only want to better. I’ve had to adapt, and in that, I’ve come to see, slowly, that I have much to be grateful for.
Today I moved into my dream flat. I’m a kid from an extremely humble, and very young family in the desert of west Texas with a dream to travel the world and today I feel accomplished. My home today is a place I could only dream of as a child and couldn’t fathom in 2008. I still struggle, every day in fact, but I know that I have a purpose, and through a laptop or in person, it doesn’t matter, I know there are tiny humans who need to be believed in and I’m happy to do that! I loved every single student that I’ve had and I don’t say that because it’s what a teacher should say, I say it because I mean it. Today I feel OK, and that’s always a step on the right direction for anyone.