
by Margot Pierce

American artist Ben Butler, known for his wooden sculptures, created a stunning installation made of 10,000 wooden sticks.

The installation, entitled Unbounded, was made by assembling over 10,000 pieces of poplar wood into a mesh structure: the mesmerizing creation filled the space of Rice University Gallery in Houston, Texas in a unexpected yet beautiful way that encouraged visitors to explore every inch of it.

“I ‘m very interested in natural processes and investigating how things are made, how things come into being and what distinguishes those from human objects. Very often that means that my forms are richly textured or organic… What is different about this installation, this challenge that I set up for myself, is to use the grid, this undeniably human vocabulary that is rigid and predictable and then attempt to create something that is organic, complex, dynamic using that very rigid, defined means,” the artist explained in an interview.




