Melissa Faithful for Art-Sheep
How soothing and peaceful is the process of coloring and then staring at Mandalas. And how enjoyable and then delicious must be the process of cooking and then eating them. Wait, what?
Los Angeles-based raw vegan chef Stephen McCarty aka Sukhavati did thought about how enhanced the experience of looking at a mandala would be, should it was followed by the action of eating it. So McCarthy made a bunch of psychedelic-looking Mandala cakes, using raw vegan ingredients.
These… pieces of cake art, are following the tradition of the Tibetan branch of Vajrayana Buddhism. The Vajrayana monks create their mandalas using tiny grains of colored sand. In a way, McCarthy’s works symbolize this practice’s return to nature, a more complex artistic expression, that was evolved into a product that doesn’t just spiritually relax the maker and viewer of it, but it also provides him the choice of connecting with it through an additional way.