
by Craig Davies

Bansky-collaborator Paul Insect, Escif, Jimmy Cauty, Neta Harari and Kennard Phillips are amongst the artists behind the Brandalism project. Together they created more of the 600 posters to challenge the UN COP21 Climate Conference in Paris. The conference is being held during the French state of emergency following terrorist attacks earlier this November.

The posters have been placed in public spots, behind secure glass at bus stops around Paris, spots where we’re used in seeing big company advertisements. Some of these companies have still a place inside these glass boards, as the artists’ goal is to satirize corporate ad messaging and challenge the corporate takeover of the Paris climate talks, forming ads that target big companies and discuss consumerism, global warming and fossil fuel consumption.

From Air France and Dow Chemicals to the most recent Volkswagen scandal, no one is safe from the artists’ criticism and the public’s eye.


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