He is taking the Internet by storm with his creative paper creations.

Far too many photos show tourists pretending to hold the Leaning Tower of Pisa, reach the top of the Louvre Pyramid, or those little photographic lies that no one believes in anymore. But what about adding a little flair and creativity to your pictures when you travell?

Rich McCor uses only a piece of black paper and a cutter to create simple silhouettes that transform famous places. He regularly explores London armed with his eccentric silhouettes, and manipulates them to make photos that he groups under the name “Paperboyo” on Instagram which has over 441.000 followers!

His paper designs may look effortless, but it sure does take a lot of time, preperation and patience to make it work. “Let’s say I’m traveling to New York,” McCor tells Vice. “Before I go I’ll print out as many photos of the city as I can. Then I’ll get a pencil and I’ll doodle ideas on top of the prints. And when I get one that I think works, I’ll make the cutout for it. But I still take my scalpel knife, cutting board and bits of black card in case I get an idea once I’m there.”

Statue of Lib 3

Dubai 2


(Photograph: Rich McCor via Instagram)(Photograph: Rich McCor via Instagram)

Rotorua Dragon

(Photograph: Rich McCor via Instagram)

(Photograph: Rich McCor via Instagram)

(Photograph: Rich McCor via Instagram)

(Photograph: Rich McCor via Instagram)

(Photograph: Rich McCor via Instagram)

Rich McCor adds paper cutouts to his travel photos paperboyo instagram (11)

Rich McCor adds paper cutouts to his travel photos paperboyo instagram (2)

Rich McCor adds paper cutouts to his travel photos paperboyo instagram (4)

Rich McCor adds paper cutouts to his travel photos paperboyo instagram (7)

Rich McCor adds paper cutouts to his travel photos paperboyo instagram (9)

Rich McCor adds paper cutouts to his travel photos paperboyo instagram (8)

(Photograph by Rich McCor (@paperboyo on Instagram))