

Anna Randal for Art-Sheep

“Je t’aime moi aussi” is a series of expressive nudes by photographer Olivier Fermariello capturing the unique lives of people with disabilities.

These unconventional models pose proudly, showing the features that distinguishes them from other people. The platonic idea of beauty and attractiveness has many times set mankind against its own self, as its humans’ differences and various normalities prove that beauty as something exceptionally objective.

With its title meaning, “I love you too”, this series explores the pure notion of truth, with the models expressing themselves in the way they feel like. “People with disability in most cases feel the discrimination of not being considered entirely as a man or a woman: instead they feel treated either as children, either as beings belonging to a third gender, neutral with no libido. As a consequence, people normally appears still embarrassed, if not offended, when it comes to openly talk about sexuality and disability. These images portray people, who are suffering from this kind of discrimination, but are not willing to give up their fight choosing a direct way to express themselves revealing their intimacy,” explains the photographer in the project’s statement.

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