There are many ways animals are mistreated in our society today, and the reality for some of these animals is extremely sad. The following harsh but true animal ad campaigns will really make you think about animal violence and animal cruelty in our world today. These ads give a voice to the voiceless and provide a powerful awareness for what is really going on with animals around the world.
1. Don’t Buy Exotic Animal Souvenirs – Advertising Agency: LOWE GGK, Warsaw, Poland
2. Animals Are Not Clowns – Advertising Agency: Partners Lisboa, Portugal

3. Every 60 Seconds A Species Dies Out. Each Minute Counts – Advertising Agency: Scholz & Friends, Berlin, Germany

4. Zurich Zoo: More Space For The Big Ones – Advertising Agency: Advico Y&R AG, Zurich, Switzerland

5. WWF: Bluefin Tuna. Would You Care More If I Was A Panda? – Advertising Agency: Ogilvy, France

6. Save The Rhino: Nothing We Do Will Ever Bring Them Back – Advertising Agency: Stick, South Africa

7. LAV: The Show Mustn’t Go On. Support Animal-free Circuses – Advertising Agency: cOOkies adv, Milan, Italy

8. You Are Looking At Every Animal Left In Africa – Advertising Agency: TBWA\Hunt\Lascaris, Johannesburg , South Africa

9. Horrifying vs. More Horrifying – Advertising Agency: DDB, Turkey

10. Help Us Fight The Effects Of Cosmetic Testing – Advertising Agency: Lowe Pirella Fronzoni, Milan, Italy

11. How Many Test Animals Have To Pay For Your Cosmetics? – Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett, Brussels, Belgium