Agape Charmani for Art-Sheep
Artists Bastien Aubry and Dimitri Broquard are an artist duo whose work combines design and craft, forming works with primitive-esque shapes. In their series of works they use basic materials and bright colors, creating a mix of tradition and pop culture. Their work has a humorous and playful attitude that refers to child art, while their sculptural work is consisted of a set of unconventional pieces that experiment with their forms, colors and mainly, their existence in the world of art.
For their series Cerebral Box, the artists created several surfaces of collage on cereal boxes. The materials they used vary from oil paint to photographs, while all the artworks function as carriers of a very unique form of “civilized artistic expression”. The title of the project plays with the words of cereal and cerebral, combining the brain with food, and the notions of thinking and cultivating with consuming.
The technique the artists follow is that of deforming and transitioning the boxes, creating products of cultural distortion. The viewer gets to see a collection of boxes that look far different than they originally did. These are not boxes that contain food anymore, but they can be seen as boxes that contain food for the soul.
“Fruity Flavor Civilisation”–N.1
“Cerebral Box”–N.2
“Fruity Flavor Civilisation”–N.3
“Fruity Flavor Civilisation”–N.4
“Fruity Flavor Civilisation”–N.5
“Fruity Flavor Civilisation”–N.6
Fruity Flavor Civilisation”–N.7
More: aubrybroquard