Alex Garant aka Queen of Double Eyes, is a Toronto-based artist. A heart-attack made her follow her passion and commit to art. Having experienced something that serious, her life changed, giving arts an important role in her reality.
This change of perspective probably also affected her interests and artistic technique, as Garant’s paintings showcase. Bright and bizarre, her portraiture looks nothing like anything we’ve ever seen. Using traditional portrait techniques the artist creates oil paintings with a graphic, strange quality. Her favorite patterns are duplication of elements and image superposition, two things that help make Garant’s paintings so unique.
As it’s written on her website, her characters’ lives are as simple and as complicated as they look like. “Alex Garant’s paintings are not far from a perfect optical illusion: her protagonists trying to escape themselves, almost possessed by a distinct version of their own individuality, an exorcism of the soul.”