Agape Charmani for Art-Sheep
Philippa Beveridge is a British artist, based in London and Barcelona, whose work is a mixture of sculpting and material altering, focusing on installations and works of a unique architectural form.
She started working on her series Lost and Found, while she was in a three-month artist’s residency in Northern France. The artist worked with the material of glass, creating various shapes of purses. Brainstorming was an interactive process, as Beveridge invited locals to her studio and show her their purses and their contents.
This gave the artist the inspiration to dress the works with the personality the content of these purses had, commenting on the notion of memory. She recounted the stories these objects had to say by transferring them as pictorial traces of moments. The past of these objects and their owners is shown bare, decorating these unique artworks.
The feelings of a past story, a forgotten friend or a distant event are imprinted on the exterior of the objects, giving them a strange and unique characteristic. Beveridge plays with the effect of oldness in a mature and imaginative way, creating a series of objectified memories of a person’s life.