“Celebrities Have Never Been More Annoying” – Is this statement true?


Call it self-isolation, lockdown, quarantine, call it what you like – it is not easy. The corona virus outbreak seems to have brought the worse out of many people, from panic buying, and straight up dangerous behavior, to pretentious celebrity messages. While one can be forgiven for feeling bored or stocking up a bit on supplies, we have seen some behavior these last days that is unacceptable. But would you classify celebrities singing “Imagine” instead of actually helping, unacceptable? Or telling you not to worry from their mansions while you have bills to pay?

Well that is certainly the idea, making the phrase “Celebrities Have Never Been More Annoying” widely used in the last weeks. The word “useless” was freely used as well.

Of course the internet police did not stay out of this fray and produced some incredible content as we will see below.

Stay home and safe. And don’t forget to share with us, your opinion.













Celebrities Telling Everyone To Stay Home..also Celebrities Homes.




Imagine There's No Heaven


Old Queen Lady Immortal Haha


Boohoo My Island Mansion Too Smol


Celebrities Singing


My Job Here Is Done


Let Me Press F On The Worlds Smallest Keyboard


Do Not Forget The Indoor Pool


These Celebrities Are Getting Insufferable


Normal People vs. Celebrities


Hardest Thing





Anne Frank


Worlds Smallest Violin




Draw 25



Thank You So Much

