It is always exciting when someone takes an old technique and elevates it to a whole new level.


Since ancient times, mosaics have mesmerized with their dazzling colors and distinctive aesthetic. Often made of meticulously arranged colored glass tiles, mosaics offer an eye-catching approach to art and decoration. It involves assembling thousands of small pieces of pebble, stone, shell, tile, glass or other material together to form a pattern.

Unlike other artists who spent plenty of time searching for the “right material” for their mosaics, American artist Kevin Champeny uses tiny hand cast components to produce his gorgeous works that fuse aspects of sculpture, mosaics and painting.

Taking a closer look at his brilliant and colorfull artwork you will find hundreds of thousands of adorable sweet treats such as gummy bears and candies, as well as minute cars, flowers, and animals.

Depending on the size of the final artwork, the process of making one of his masterpieces can take several months. He creates up to 50,000 tiny objects by hand. Patience and precision must be his best friends otherwise it’s impossible to complete and create such phenomenal artworks.


Artist Kevin Champeny with “GummiKing” made with 15,000 acrylic gummibears, 6′ x 4′

What Remains video make daily create like design

“What Remains” 35,000 Handcast Flowers, 60″ x 48″ x 1″

Killing Field

“Killing Field” 12,500 Cast Animal Parts, 53″ x 38″ x 2″


Sweet Death“Sweet Death” 33,000 Pieces of Cast Candy, 66″ x 66″ x 1″

Featured Image“Hot Wheels” Mosaic Made From 4,400 Toy Cars

Kevin Champeny info: Instagram , Website