
Agape Charmani for Art-Sheep

Brazil-based artist Rafael Silveira is the pioneering pop artist of the Brazilian art scene who made his European debut in London this spring and excited both the critics and the audience.

Silveira exceptionally combines his surrealistic sight with his pop influences, creating bizarre scenes, unconventional portraits and imaginative artistic objects. With his biggest weapon being his imagination, Silveira forms worlds where a pelican can have a date with a semi-nude woman and a man has a red cabriolet instead of eyes and brain. Inspired by the culture of comics, classical paintings and horror stories, Silveira expresses the emotions, fears and anxieties of his characters through symbols and objects, forming complex settings that captivate the viewer, who stands speechless in front of the spectacle of their presence.

 Rafael_Silveira-painter-art8 Rafael_Silveira-painter-art9 gallery1  Rafael_Silveira-painter-art2 Rafael_Silveira-painter-art3  Rafael_Silveira-painter-art5   raf10-810x996 raf11-683x1024 raf12-682x1024 raf13-810x990 raf61-731x1024 raf-760x1024 raffanny-810x1012 raf2-810x810 raf3-810x810  raf9-810x540raf8-810x960