1. The eagle selfie.
by Margot Pierce
2014’s most epic selfie may have been Ellen Degeneres’ star-studded photo from the Oscars, but 2015 is full of numerous selfies that went viral in just a few minutes, each one of them for a different reason: from Kim Kardashian’s shutting-down-the-haters pregnancy selfie to images from rescued animals and wedding proposals, this collection of photos will definitely make your day!
2. Every selfie taken by these sorority girls.
3. This father’s accidental vacation selfie.
4. The elphie.
5. The proposal selfie.
6. The rat selfie.
7. That time Kimye endorsed Hillary Clinton for president via selfie.
8. This gorilla GoPro selfie.
9. The zebra selfie.
10. Kim Kardashian’s pregnancy selfie.
11. When Weird Al took a selfie with a fan’s phone at a concert.
12. The selfie this Redditor’s grandparents framed.
13. This kangaroo selfie.
14. The oxygen mask selfies.
15. The brelfie.
16. The smelfie.
17. The quokka selfies.
18. The long con selfie prank.
19. Tyra Banks’s no-makeup selfie.
20. This selfie mishap with Coolio.
21. Who needs a selfie stick anyways?
via Mashable