Parenting is a difficult task, but there are numerous approaches that may be useful to you if you become a mother or father.
Or not.
It is debatable.
However, being a compassionate parent does not imply that you are not preparing your child for a “difficult” world.
In fact, that is exactly what you should do as a parent to prepare them for what is to come.
And one mother has shared a story that exemplifies this.
N’tima Preusser is a holistic wellness consultant, personal trainer, mentality specialist, and mother who utilizes her TikTok channel to educate others about health, adulting, and parenting.
In one of her most recent videos, she discussed gentle parenting and what it means in today’s “tough society.”
She told a tale about how a teacher yelled at her daughter and how she handled it, despite the fact that she had never heard strong rhetoric at home.
According to legend, N’tima spotted a drawing her daughter had made of her crying.
When asked about it, the daughter revealed that during recess, one of her teachers began yelling at her.
She assumed the teacher was having a bad day and decided to vent it on her.
As a result, the daughter became enraged.
And she felt that way until she had some quiet time and drew the painting, which helped her channel her anger and calm down.
“My child did not crumble when she was faced with disrespect. Instead, she was able to recognize this isn’t what I deserve. And this doesn’t have much to do with me,” explained N’tima. “Not only are they going to survive the big tough world, they’re going to thrive because they’re not going to have to spend the majority of their adulthood healing from their childhood,”
More: TikTok
Meet N’tima Preusser, a wellness coach and mother who who uses her TikTok channel to educate folks on all things health, adulting and parenting
Image credits: ntimapreusser
In one of her videos, she tackled the topic of how “gently parented” kids could ever manage to survive in a “tough world”
Image credits: ntimapreusser
To explain it, she used a story of how her daughter got yelled at by a teacher who was in a foul mood
Image credits: ntimapreusser
Image credits: ntimapreusser
After being yelled at, N’tima’s kid identified the emotions and channeled them into a drawing, thus dealing with it in a healthy way
“Not only are they going to survive the big tough world, they’re going to thrive because they’re not going to have to spend the majority of their adulthood healing from their childhood”
The video managed to get over 2.1M views on TikTok
@ntimapreusser #respectfulparenting #gentleparenting #LinkBudsNeverOff #OREOBdayStack ♬ You – Petit Biscuit
N’tima also explained that another teacher talked to the teacher who yelled at her daughter about the issue
Many agreed that the kid is extremely smart on an emotional level—actually more than most adults