Sometimes all you need to create magic are a few sticks, a bit of talent and a beach. When he’s not making music or painting, New Zealander Jamie Harkins is drawing fantastic 3D illusions in the sand with the help of his friends. Their anamorphic drawings feature M.C. Escher like stairways, skate parks, ocean scenes and more, and are only complete when someone poses on the beach to make the illusion real.
“We’ve seen other people doing stuff on beaches, but it’s always been geometric, flat shapes, like a pattern, so we thought we’d get into the whole 3D thing,” he told The New Zealand Herald. “And I kind of like the fact that it disappears at the end of the day when the tide comes in. It makes it impermanent.”
Jamie’s work is similar to the sidewalk illusions you see. Viewed from the correct angle they pop into three dimensional reality – but walk too far to the side and they quickly become distorted.