
Anna Randal for Art-Sheep

NEWSFLASH -or not, social media does not accept nipples. According to our favorite websites and apps the first body part one ever eats from -okay that came out kind of wrong, should not be shown in pictures uploaded on Facebook, Instagram etc. It is acceptable for women to post pictures of breast feeding or proud images of their cancers scars, but not images of their nipples.

Artist Micol Hebron found an amazing trick to protest against this bizarre and extremely sexist ban. She created an image asking her female friends and followers to paste a male nipple on their breasts and then post it on social media, bypassing the nudity restrictions.

From celebrities to social media users, everybody has protest against the outrageous rules and “freeing the nipple” seems to have been a trend with more and more people uploading pictures of themselves in support of the nipple.

