Melissa Faithful for Art-Sheep
How many things did you achieve before your 20s?
Well, Boyan Slat is 20 years old and already an inventor, who’s planning to drastically help the environment with his ingenious device.
In order to clean the 8 million tons of plastic debris which is being dumped into the ocean every year, Slat thought of the solution of floating plastic barriers called gyres. These gyres, will be placed atop the water, while the plastics will flow right into them. These enormous design won’t be made out of nets, as net is harmful for the sea life. Their V-shaped buffers, anchored by floating booms, is 6,500 feet wide, making gyres the longest floating structure to ever be placed in the ocean.
According to Slat’s non-profit organization, Ocean Cleanup, the world’s first ocean-cleaning system is estimated to remove a total of 70,320,000 kilograms of plastic in 10 years, while it will be installed in 2016, close to the Japanese island of Tsushima.