Can’t believe how many things are not Left-handed friendly !
We all have a friend or know someone that is left-handed. In my school there were treated like they were smarter and more talented than the rest of the classmates. Which i never undersood why but after some research i was pleasantly suprised to find out that some of the world’s most important contributions have in fact come from left-handers. Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Aristotle and Julius Caesar Albert Einstein, Neil Armstrong were all left-handed!
Being a left handed person in our day and time you would think that there shouldn’t be any kind of problem but as you will see that is not the case at all. It must be very strange and sometimes very frustrating to not be able to use something just because it is not left-handed “friendly”.
This world sometimes it’s like it was made for right handed people only and these images below are the proof of that statement.