Holly Williams for Art-Sheep
It is said that nature is capable of creating landscapes of the most stunning beauty and it is true: all around the globe one has numerous chances to admire the magnificent force that is natural creation. What happens, however, when man and nature combine their powers in order to jointly create something amazing, or rather when man uses the earth’s natural beauty with breathtaking results?
Cattedrale Vegetale, Italian artist Giuliano Mauri’s majestic cathedral, is destined to become a temple exclusively made of hornbeam trees, arranged as columns with their canopies engaging, thus forming a vaulted ceiling. Until the trees grow tall enough they are supported my temporary wooden frames, that will eventually decay, leaving just the tree columns behind. The Italian artist’s first unique cathedral is located in Valsugana, Italy and the second, though sadly completed after his death in 2009, in Mount Arera in the region of Lombardy.
via boredpanda