You know how we’re always trying to discover if we are alone in this vast universe? Well, although signs of alien life still haven’t been found, scientists have discovered the next best thing, and that is a planet that neatly feats the description of a second Earth! 1,400 light-years away, NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope has spotted Kepler 452b, a rocky world 1.6 times Earth’s size, orbiting a star very similar to our Sun, at a distance very similar to the one our very own Earth has from our Sun, thus placing the newfound planet in its star’s habitable zone.
According to the Director of SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Life), Seth Shostak, the Allen Telescope Array is currently being employed in the search for signs of life on the planet, however, he characteristically states, “We haven’t looked over all the frequencies yet, but if there are any aliens on Kepler 452b they are being very coy.” Nevertheless, even if alien life is indeed not discovered on the planet, scientist explain that, because of the fact that the star which Kepler 452b is 1.5 billion years older than our Sun, its discovery provide us with a unique opportunity to witness how Earth is going to evolve in the future, as the sun ages and goes brighter.