Pets who travel together, stay together right?


The twosome loves to travel and go on andventures in Colorado. They are besties and the best part is they are both rescued pets. Henry is a sheperd, husky, boxer, straffordshire terrier, aussie mix (okay that was a good tongue twister) while Baloo is a siamese kitten mix.

Their unique friendship has gained them many followers on social media. Their instagram account has over 1.3 million followers which, i must say, is pawsome. The photos of these travelling besties are adorable and dreamy. This dog always makes his cat brother feel so safe; you can clearly see it on their Instagram feed. In most of their photos together Baloo is sleeping on his brother’s head. Bottom line is that Henry and Baloo are inseperable!

Their adventurous owners Cynthia Bennett and Andre Sibilsky have gotten backlash for their lifestyle but the just let the negativity roll off. Cynthia says instead “You just read the hundreds of other comments that say Henry and Baloo brighten up our day”

If you want this pair to brighten up your day as well just follow their incredible Instagram account.

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face squishes are the best kind of squishes

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love you THIS much 💙

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Professional explorers at your service!

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To infinity and beyond ❄️✨

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